Crystal Ridge Homeowner's Association of Puyallup, WA

PO Box 14441, Mill Creek, WA 98082   -
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Frequently Asked Questions
Updated:  01/05/2024  
 This page provides Q&A for frequent questions asked by Crystal Ridge residents.

    Please read these FAQ's under the issue that you have questions about.  If you do not find an answer or solution to your problem, please contact the Board at

Domestic Animals - Pets running loose, pooping in your yard and causing problems?
Wild Animals - Wild animal sighting occur in Crystal Ridge.  What should I do if I see one?
  Barking Dogs
- Dogs barking at night or during the day.  How do I handle the problem?
Bicycle Helmets - Bicycle helmets for children under 18 are required by city ordinace.  Read more.

Board Meetings - When are Board meetings held?
  CRHOA Email DL - What is the CRHOA email DL and how do I get added to the list?

Crime Prevention - How can I help protect my family from crime?
Electrical Outages - How can we get accurate information about when electrical outages are resolved and electricity restored to our neighborhood?  And how does Puget Sound Energy (PSE) prioritize the work that has to be done during an outage?

Fireworks - What is the policy for fireworks in Crystal Ridge and Puyallup?

 FYI - What are some regular CCR requirements that all residents need to know?

Gator Bags (sample letter) - New trees planted in CR are often fitted with a "gator bag" that the homeowner is responsible for keeping it filled with water to help irrigate the tree.  If you allow the tree to die by not watering it, you could be held responsible for the cost of replacing the tree.  When you are a affected by a new tree planted in your parking strip by the HOA, a notification letter will be sent to you. 
Locking mail boxes - How can I protect myself from identity and mail theft and what are the procedures for installing locking mail boxes?

 Noise - It's just past midnight, our windows are closed and I can still hear music blaring and car engines revving.  What is the noise policy in the neighborhood?
Roof Replacement CCR Variance Form (see pages 2 thru 4) - Mod requests for roof replacements also requires that you submit a request for a CCR variance form. 
Rules & Regulations (R&R) - Original adopted 2016 and updated annually
Social Media Policy - Policy for Board, Facebook, Nextdoor and other social media

Towing - What is the CR towing policy for illegally parked cars?
Trees in the Green Belt - We heard a tree fall in the greenbelt behind us.  Who is responsible for helping us with this problem?.

  Vehicle Storage & Parking - What are the storage and parking restrictions in Crystal Ridge and how are they defined and enforced?
Volunteer Opportunities - Ways you can volunteer to serve on the Board and other committees.

 Zoning Map - Is there a zoning map for Puyallup and Crystal Ridge?